On Sat, Dec 04, 2004 at 09:37:10AM +0100, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
> For b), being dreamweaver-compatible would be a big plus, allowing less 
> technical people to create templates themselves. Using Dreamweaver or 
> not, that's not the point: DW-compatibility also means that the 
> templating system is "simple enough" for such people to grasp.

Perhaps I am not the only person on this list that has never
used DreamWeaver...would anybody care to list or describe the
how's and why's of its benefits and limitations?

For context, all I have managed to glean so far from this
discussion is a vague idea that visual people like it, that
it does not work well with namespaced tags, and that it does
seem to work ok with custom attributes.

Not having ever used it, I do not know why visual designers
like it, why it does not like namespaced tags, etc.  Could
somebody knowledgeable on the topic expand on the description?

--Tim Larson

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