Le 4 déc. 04, à 18:56, Stefano Mazzocchi a écrit :

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
...I think we need
a) "data templates" (for a lack of a better word), to generate XML out of data (what JXTG does now),
b) "presentation templates" downstream to convert the XML to HTML or other presentation markup (currently covered by XSLT, far from ideal)

I very much disagree with this.

The notion of separating a data template from a presentation template is arbitrary and nothing really generally useful from a SoC point of view.

I didn't mean two different *template mechanisms*, rather that we need templates at two (or several) points in a pipeline, not only at the beginning of the pipeline as the G in JXTG implies.

Thinking about it, what I was talking about is two *use cases* for the templating system, with very different point of views and users skills.

...What we need is a template language. Period. Something that converts data *structures* into SAX events. Whether you use it for data or presentation or whatever else, it's up to you...

Fully agreed.


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