Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:

2) at the end, the template is not a file, but the result of a pipeline fragment. In short, the template that DW designers will have to use is a pipeline view, not a file on a disk.

How so? The preliminary step(s) before data injection include such items as macros before expansion. In short, the file on disk looks conspicuously like the template generator that does macros internally. I would absolutely expect the DW designer to be referencing the macros pre-expansion, not post-.

Whether it's

 <map:generate type="jxtemplate" src="template.jx"/>


 <map:generate type="file" src="template.jx"/>
 <map:transform type="stx" src="macros.stx"/>
 <map:transform type="template"/>

This means that in order to allow DW designers to edit their pages, you have to create a special section of the website, hopefully webdav enabled, so that they can open/edit/save those "virtual files"... also, you need the ability for your first transformation stage to be reversible.

It's the origin template (template.jx) that would be edited in DW, not the output of the macro transformer or data injection. If you don't require reversal after data injection to get to HTML for the generator, why would you require it in this transformation model? "template.jx" is the editable source in either case.

I may be working with a Simplified DocBook variant (and have to deal with some WebDAV trickery for editing), but nothing here requires it any more than if I created the file with JXTG to produce said Simplified DocBook variant. XSLT transformation to HTML is the precursor to reversal, not a data injection transformer.

- Miles Elam

P.S. I use the term "data injection", but if that is turning some folks off, is there a preferred term that I should use on this list instead?

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