Antonio Gallardo wrote:
On Mie, 8 de Diciembre de 2004, 12:52, Reinhard Poetz dijo:

> AFAIK there was no official vote but I found these mails by Carsten and
> Sylvain:

Have I missed the vote?

I don't wrote this ;-)

maybe my second ego (I think Bertrand already got acquainted with him ...) ;-)

Follow the thread and seems we had an agreement. :-D

Here the missing summary:

+1  : Antonio, Stefano, Unico, Bruno
-0.5: Ugo, Jörg, Leo (nb), Reinhard, Pier

People who voted with -0.5 were not against 1.4 but said that this really needs a good usecase that can only be implemented (easily) with 1.4 and not with 1.3.

Not to end in a chicken-egg-situation, we agreed that 1.4 is the minimum for 2.2 for now. When we are ready to release Cocoon 2.2 we will look through the code of Cocoon _core_ and if there is no major blocker we will support 1.3 again, if this is not possible, 1.4 will remain the minimum.


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