Pier Fumagalli wrote:
I have some quite-large tables that i use for lookups (categories, mostly, and prices). They fit pretty nicely in a DOM in memory, no problem, and they almost never change.

Now, I want to access those from XSLT as a variable.

Normally, I would aggregate the source, and pass it in the input to the processor, and then do the lookup when I need to.

Big waste of time, though, because normally (in Java) I'd parse the XML into a DOM (once) and pass it to the XSLT as a parameter (kind of like using the "document" function).

Is there something like that in Cocoon (allow to pass a full DOM as a parameter to the XSLT processor) or shall I start coding?

Probably that's what you want: http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=9916

And no, it's not here yet. One workaround I see is to write extension which would somehow get to the DOM and return it to xslt processor...


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