Stefano Mazzocchi wrote:.

Everybody here welcomes contributions, not matter how silly, not matter how technologically savvy, now matter how outrageous and no matter how sinful and ranting.

But respect for your peers is key.

Without that, any voice, no matter whose, becomes immediately silent, if not distracting and harmful.

And yes, I have committed this crime myself (and not only here) but it always brought me harm, cold and isolation.

A big price to pay for a little ego self-massaging.


First, I agree wholeheartedly with your response. However, I have to temper that by saying that arrogance and egotism are often tempered with age (I should know, right?). In my younger days I was quite arrogant. I figured it was my right, since I was good at what I did. With time you learn that there are lots of smart people, and lots of people with talents that are different then your own. For example, while I am great with code my skills at designing a web page are lousy. You will accomplish very little in life if the people you need help and cooperation from don't like you.

In short, it is always OK to criticize an idea or design or even a piece of code, is not OK to make that be personal or form our criticisms in such a way that they seem to be.


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