looks something like
http://www.triplemind.com/images/powered-by-cocoon160x48.png than.

It's a little dirty I think. Perheaps a border in the same style as the cocoon logo would make it better.


Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
Le 14 déc. 04, à 16:43, Christoph Gaffga (triplemind.com) a écrit :

some time ago I was also looking for that. Zhe only I found was a "build with" logo. It was somewhere under cocoon.apache.org or in the wiki. Can't remember, but I have a copy on

Thanks for the pointer - I like the idea, only it's the old logo color (IIUC, I assume http://cocoon.apache.org/images/cocoon-logo.gif is our official color now?).

I'll try to talk my daughter into doing a new one, unless someone beats us to it. She's usually pretty good at this.

Can someone help with opening the cocoon2.ai file, or another vector version of same? As mentioned previously, when I try to open it with my Illustrator 10, it says "incorrect operator: 'd0'".


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