Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
> David Crossley wrote: 
> > Okay, i uploaded them to my ASF committer space 
> > ~crossley/review-sitemap-docs/ See the notes 
> > in SVN cocoon-2_1_X/tools/review-sitemap-docs/README.txt
> > and cocoon-2_1_X/tools/review-sitemap-docs/TODO.txt
> > 
> Thanks!!
> So if I read the diff correctly, these classes are not found by the sitemap
> task:
> 65a64,71
> >
> org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/AbstractCachingProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/BaseCachingProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/CachingPointProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/CachingProcessingPipeline
> >
> org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/ExpiresCachingProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/components/pipeline/impl/NonCachingProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/components/profiler/ProfilingCachingProcessingPipeline
> >
> org/apache/cocoon/components/profiler/ProfilingNonCachingProcessingPipeline
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/acting/AbstractWoodyAction
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/acting/HandleFormSubmitAction
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/acting/MakeFormAction
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/generation/WoodyGenerator
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/samples/InitForm1Action
> > org/apache/cocoon/woody/transformation/WoodyTemplateTransformer
> > org/apache/garbage/serializer/AbstractSerializer
> > org/apache/garbage/serializer/EncodingSerializer
> > org/apache/garbage/serializer/HTMLSerializer
> > org/apache/garbage/serializer/XHTMLSerializer
> > org/apache/garbage/serializer/XMLSerializer
> Is this correct?

That is the trouble - i don't know what is "correct".

The file called components-javadoc-sitemaptask-diff.txt
is the difference between the list produced by scanning
javadocs (finding extra clutter, maybe missing some)
and the list produced by the SitemapTask.
diff components-source.txt components-sitemaptask.txt

This is not to say that the scanning javadocs is finding
all components. It is just to provide a method for

Here are some examples of components that are not
found by the SitemapTask ...

The "woody" and "garbage" stuff are probably not relevant.
The PhpGenerator is listed as missing because it caused
'build docs' to crash, so i moved it out of the way.

The *Pipeline components that you listed above are found
by the SitemapTask but not by the scan of javadocs. That
is because the script forgot to look
for pipelines. But do we consider them "sitemap components"
that should be documented in the Userdocs?


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