The build of Cocoon's static docs in trunk is now using
the forrest_06_branch.

svn co
cd forrest_06_branch
export FORREST_HOME=`pwd`/src/core

cd /usr/local/svn/cocoon-trunk
./build docs
... and see the result in build/cocoon-2.2.0-dev/site/

(Edit first to disable xml validation of xdocs
as there is a strange problem with xml entities being injected
into some of the xdocs which contain tab-characters in their source,
maybe by Cocoon's SitemapTask.)

The 'build docs' uses the new default skin called "pelt" which uses
CSS rather than the old skin which used html tables for layout.
The colours, heading style, etc. can be tweaked in the

If there are no objections, then in the new year i will upgrade
the cocoon-2_1_X branch and the cocoon-site top-level to both
use forrest-0.6 too.


David Crossley wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> > [snip]
> > > and set up the sekelton of new ones using Forrest 0.6.
> > 
> > The Cocoon build system needs some work to enable that.
> > There are issues with clashes of Ant target names, e.g. webapp
> > and variable names, e.g. $version.
> > 
> > Use the forrest_06_branch rather than the 0.6 release.
> > There are some changes to help with the above issue.
> > The other option is to use the current Forrest trunk.
> > ... not sure what to recommend.
> > 
> > Anyway, i will commit my changes so far to get forrest-0.6
> > closer to working.
> I committed those changes to use forrest_06_branch.
> There are changes to skinconf.xml which can come later.
> However, './ docs' still has some problems.
> I am no Ant build expert, so could use some help.
> It seems to complain about using the wrong Ant or missing
> jars or something.
> The whole section of the Cocoon build where it calls forrest
> could be tidied up later, as it seems overly complex.
> Anyway, at the moment i just want to get it to run forrest
> then we can come back and tidy the rest of it up. 
> --David

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