On Jan 10, 2005, at 7:24 AM, Reinhard Poetz wrote:
So it seems, flow replaces components? If createNewAccount() gathers sends pages, collects information, creates an Account, etc. then why not just use cocoon.sendPageAndWait?

because this is done in the called block, not by the callee.

Yes, and when sendPageAndWait returns the calling blocks flow continues with a new account accessible from the session. Maybe we need a new method such as callFunction.


Seems like you want a round peg in a square hole. Just invoke the function by loading its file and this problem goes away.

If Javascript supported namespaces, I would agree with you.

Then the thing to do might be to designate certain javascript files as public and others as private in the block's configuration file.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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