On Mie, 12 de Enero de 2005, 1:27, David Crossley dijo:
> Ralph Goers wrote:
>> David Crossley wrote:
>> >I showed that a few messages ago in this thread.
>> >Both Ross and i are doing a full build, javadocs and all,
>> >with no blocks disabled. It breaks in different places
>> >for each of us.
>> >
>> Does it fail for you in BRANCH_2_1_X (before you disabled it) in the
>> same place it did for me?  Note that the error seems to be different.
> Are you talking about the PhpGenerator.java stumble?
> If so then i just rm it to get past that problem.
> After that yes, cocoon-2_1_X fails at a different place:
> For me with all blocks enabled, it fails at NekoHTMLGenerator.

I suspect the aparently random point of fail (the exactly file) has
nothing to do with the real problem. Is posible that it happens just
because the random order nature of the HashMap used as file cache. So this
is notimportant here.

I think I got the source of the problem: some transformers has "bad"
written javadocs that don't use the agreed format. Please do an SVN update
to see if it changes in your case too. Now I am getting a diferent one
after adding a new tag in the Includetranformer:

[Fatal Error] include-transformer.xml:1:896: The entity name must
immediately follow the '&' in the entity reference.

The IncludeTransformer in placed:


Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo

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