Geoff Howard wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
> > Antonio Gallardo wrote:
> > > Can you post where the problem is showed to you trying a full build? I am
> > > trying to get an idea if the problem is truly random or just because users
> > > have diferent blocks configurations in The
> > > lastest seems to be the case, but lets to be sure.
> > 
> > I showed that a few messages ago in this thread.
> > Both Ross and i are doing a full build, javadocs and all,
> > with no blocks disabled. It breaks in different places
> > for each of us.
> It looks like you've moved on past the need to understand this, ...

No, we still need to understand what is going on.

> ... but I think 
> you're mistaken here, no?  Ross is doing a default unmodified build, which 
> has some blocks excluded by default.  You're reporting all blocks enabled 
> which would require some editing of the properties.

Maybe i expressed that poorly ... I have no local*.properties

>  I'd guess that Antonio has 
> a separate set of blocks chosen, so this still may explain the
> different fail points,
> though it seems this is now just a curiosity in the larger problem.


> Unfortunately, time to crawl back into my hole.

Thanks for your help.


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