Joerg Heinicke <joerg.heinicke <at>> writes:

> I have a problem with
> the caching of the i18n catalogues. The location of one i18n catalogue is
> defined to be dependent on {request-attr:xyz}, so it can change on each
> request. But the first access to this i18n transformer caches the catalogue
> and its location, later accesses to the transformer will not have the correct
> catalogues available. Is it possible to either prevent the caching of the
> catalogues at all or - even better - to influence the caching by adding the
> dependency on the request attribute?

I had a look into the code - and the JavaDoc describes the behaviour it should
have and I want to have, but it obviously does not have:

JavaDoc for CatalogueInfo (inner class of I18nTransformer):
"Holds information about one catalogue. The location and name of the catalogue
can contain references to input modules, and are resolved upon each transformer
usage. It is important that releaseCatalog is called when the transformer is

Any idea what can go wrong?


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