At I propose the architecture of a new extensible documentation system. My first goal is reusing existing functionality (SVN, Forrest, static web pages). Writing the missing pieces (a small web application to edit docs online) shouldn't be too difficult - especially using CocoonForms (HTMLArea with HTMLCleaning convertor are shining here!) and Flowscript.

At the end of the document you find a roadmap. It also contains some parts where I *really* need some help by others:

 - component (Java) that reads from and commits to SVN - should work over
   WebDAV, shouldn't it?
   I know there are some specialist in this community who could help out
   here (Unico, Gianugo, Guido)
 - enable the publishing process (forrestbot or cron)
 - SSL setup

I don't think that a technical solution will directly lead to better docs. I just think that making the doc authoring process much easier will invite much more people to help out.



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