Andreas Kuckartz wrote:
> > Look at and find all
> my
> > requirements. I'm sure that all six options are good enough but as *I* have 
> > to
> > do it, I'll take the road that's the fastest for *me*.
> There was a misunderstanding on my side. I had thought that that was to be a
> project of the Apache Cocoon community and that other Cocoon-developers would
> also participate. In any case I wish you success with your project.

Wait. Any developer can be involved and all ideas are good.
Reinhard is running, the rest of us can catch up and help.

Lenya is not ruled out. In fact, all those options that Reinhard
listed could be used in parallel. The thing is, that we are trying
to get started with something right now, start small and build up.


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