Hi All

This is to announce that I am moving away from my old ISP, Demon.net and have setup a new domain at fiveone.org.

media.demon.co.uk will cease to exist in approximately one month.

[any user] at fiveone.org will reach me.

Why Five One? My birthday is the 5th of January ;)

My new homepage is at <http://www.fiveone.org>, I have not even got around to viewing the site in WinMSIE yet, so goodness knows what it looks like ;)

I have also setup my first blog at <http://jeremyquinn.blogspot.com>.

I have also taken the opportunity to re-subscribe to the Cocoon mailing lists as [EMAIL PROTECTED] So if you are wondering, don't worry ..... it really is me ;)

Best regards



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                                IT IS NOT FROM ME

                        Always check the label, folks !!!!!

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