Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

We some blocks that depend on XSP just because they provide some logigsheets (session, databases etc.), so as soon as you want to use them you *have* to include XSP although you don't use it at all.

We discussed this already, but didn't change anything :(
I see two solutions:
1) either move all xsp related stuff into the xsp block and then the xsp block depends on other blocks.
2) create two blocks for each block that supports xsp: for example a databases and a databases-xsp block. Obviously the first one contains the block without logigsheets and is free of XSP and the second one just contains all the XSP stuff, depends on the databases and the XSP block. Et voila.

Leaving it the way it is is really annoying.


Forget to say the obvious: this is of course only for trunk.

3) remove all dependencies on XSP in both directions

Currently we have following dependencies:
"xsp" is needed by "chaperon", "databases", "eventcache", "lucene", "python", "scratchpad", "session-fw".

If you only want to use XSP without all the blocks this is annoying too.

BTW, I hope we can deprecate XSP relly soon - the result of our last discussion was that we need an alternative. In the meantime Daniel and Leszek started to work on the templating block and this should be the solution we have been looking for.

Reinhard Pötz Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}


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