Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:


We need to decide if JXPath or Jexl should be the default EL, so that one just need to write:


for the default EL ;).

jx:language="jxpath" on the root element can specify the default for a page. IIRC, default on generator level was deemed not granular enough.

Thats ok for me.

We should also IMO remove the Java package mechanism from the environment in CTemplate, i.e. the possibillity to do:


Does it mean you'd remove support for as well?


This of course require that we can find cleaner replacements for important use cases of the Package and java environment (given that there are any). But IMO we should as far as possible discourage Java programming in templates.


caching directives

Have not spent much thought about caching directives.

It must support caching in one way or another, otherwise it's use will be limited to non caching pipelines only...

Agree completely with that, but forgot to write it.


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