Le 12 mars 05, à 19:01, Linden H van der (MI) a écrit :

...I've managed to get the i18n for the flowscript samples to work, by
moving around the i18n transformer. However, I haven't succeeded in
properly translating i18n info that is introduced in the
forms-*-styling.xsl files. It seems impossible to add the i18n
transformer a second time...

Why not twice? I think you need to use it twice, IIRC because the forms-styling stuff eats the i18n namespace:

I've been doing stuff like

<map:generate type="jx" src="template.xml"/>
<map:transform type="i18n"/>
<map:transform src="form-styling.xsl">
<map:transform src="layout.xsl"/>
<map:transform type="i18n"/>
<map:serialize type="html"/>


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