On Mon, Mar 14, 2005 at 09:44:44PM +0100, Reinhard Poetz wrote:
> Today I've tried to run a form that uses the widget state "INVISIBLE" and 
> when the form state is saved in the request. (my experiments are based on 
> the form1 action example)
> If I use the event framework to change the state from ACTIVE to INVISIBLE, 
> toggling works, but the value of the changed widget gets lost.
> Looking at the samples I can't figure out ...
> - How can a widget have the state "INVISIBLE"? Where is this information 
> stored, or better from where is it read?
> - If I'm right and the described behavior (losing the values of INVISIBLE 
> widgets) is a bug, how can it be fixed? Any ideas?

I do not know if it is the same bug or not, but I re-encountered the bug
that made me temporarily change fireEvents to be public so it could be
called from flowscript (iirc it was reverted when I forgot how to trigger
the bug.)  The bug is that the firing of events sometimes get delayed
until after showForm returns, causing very strange behavior.  Sorry I
have not had time yet to track down the source of the problem.  Sounds
like there is at least a chance this is related to your problem.

--Tim Larson

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