Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:
Reinhard Poetz wrote:

So far, I've moved all blocks from /trunk/src/blocks to /blocks/[status]/[name]/trunk and updated the svn:external property on /trunk/src/blocks to "re-import" them at their former place. This way everything should work as it did before the change.

Cool! As I promised before you get my hero plate and a beer at the next GT for daring to move out the blocks from trunk.

As Daniel and Antonio have already found out, at http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/BlockStatusPoll I set up a page that should give us an overview on who is able to support which blocks. This should help us to decide on the status we want to give every block.

And extra points for putting about everything under blocks/unsupported in SVN. That should give us a well needed kick in the ass for actually deciding what Cocoon is.

let's look at the results:

I'd say the following blocks are "supported"

authentication-fw       AG,CZ,  
batik   CZ, VG, SW      
cron    RP, CZ, VG, SW, LG      
databases       AG, DF, SW, LG  
deli    AG,     
fop     AG, CZ, VG, BRD, BD     
forms   RP, AG, DF,CZ, VG, SW, BRD, BD, LG      
hsqldb  RP, VG,         
html    UV, VG, SW, BD  
lucene  JQ, VG, SW      
ojb     AG, JQ, VG, BD
poi     AG, BRD                 
paranoid        RP, SW  
portal  CZ,     
profiler        CZ, VG, BRD     
qdox    AG,BD
session-fw      AG,CZ   
template        DF, BRD, LG     
xsp     AG, VG, SW

These blocks have at least two committers that support them. I added "portal" as I know that there are many users out there (regular bug fixes via bugzilla) and Ralph hasn't added his name for some reason (although he works regualarly on fixing bugs and applying patches.)

I also added Deli as Antonio and Marc are both working on it and I therefore don't consider it as one-man-show.

                                  - o -

The following blocks either have only one committer who supports them or they aren't supported by an active committer at all.

apples BRD asciiart axis bsf AG, chaperon eventcache GH faces VG, itext javaflow jfor BD jms GH jsp linkrewriter VG, mail VG, midi naming petstore proxy BD python querybean JQ, repository scratchpad serializers slide slop BD stx DF, taglib VG, tour BD velocity web3 webdav xmldb VG,

Where shall we draw the line between "supported" and "unsupported"? Is it really the "two committers rule" that I applied above?

Another thought: maybe we should add another "state" called "sample". "tour" and "petstore" could be "sample" blocks, as well as a future block that contains all samples.


Reinhard Pötz Independant Consultant, Trainer & (IT)-Coach

{Software Engineering, Open Source, Web Applications, Apache Cocoon}

                                       web(log): http://www.poetz.cc

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