Or the separation between kernel and application concerns...

Sorry if I sound extremely silly now, but after having spent a week in Japan, all the "wasabi" must have gone to my brain or something....

In the two/theee last "longish" discussions on blocks ("[RT] composition vs. inheritance in blocks", "Schema of block.xml", and "[RT] Bidirectional relationships for blocks?")

Everything was fine, until someone (I think it was Reinhard) talking about extensions pointed out the difference beetween extending a "sitemap" and a "component".

Am I right in assuming that blocks, in the scope of this discussions are _NOT_ an evolution of Avalon's block (and therefore, not at the end of the day tied to the intrinsic Java implementation of Cocoon, or in any way related to the parallel development of the kernel container), but are the real thing, "Cocoon blocks"????

If that's the case, the "component" case in the extension outlined by Rainhard should not exist, right?

        Pier (feeling extremely dumb ad 35000 ft over Siberia)

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