Reinhard Poetz wrote:

Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I have given some examples of how a user could use some adapted form of MI to build applications based on a number of blocks, so I'm interested in your view about how to build blocks based applications.

I can't add much to what Stefano already has said:

"You install "Linotype2", is a real block and it requires "Linotype Skin", "JCR Repository", "RDF TripleStore". The block manager goes to the block library on and finds a list of possible blocks that implement those interfaces and that are known to be compatible with the version of the block you are now installing."

Except that not the BlocksManager but the BlockDeployer will install blocks, that's the vision:

 - reusability
   --> skin can be used by more than one block)
   --> develop functionality *once* and reuse it in many applications
 - versioning
 - development will become much easier because you can wire locally
   available development blocks
   e.g. I want to use the latest cForms block in *my* project I simply
   point in the wiring.xml of *my* project to this block. There are
   no difficult deployment cycles!

And quoting Stefano a second time: "what is the best way to use those features in order to achieve what I need". I don't know what will be the best way to use all those features. When we have a working prototype we will learn a lot and best practices will evolve.

Ok, so lets get to a working prototype. Still if we don't spend some thought on relevant use cases that comes up, the working prototype might be less relevant than it could be.


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