> Sounds great. At some point, we've got to come up with a list of the
> sort of tutorials and walk-throughs we want, so that we can have
> comprehensive coverage. In the meantime, I'd say just go ahead and write it!

.... or let's try to see if it can't be part of sort of a bigger
complete tutorial. BTW if anyone has such an application built upon
Cocoon and that could be used as a complete case study application, it
would be welcome. What I mean is that one can find many small howto's
and tutorials about Cocoon but maybe we could concentrate the efforts
on getting fewer documentation pieces but with more coherence and
entropy in it. I think that's what Bertrand meant by "keep the number
of documents to the minimum" and I totally agree with that : the
current Cocoon learning path is too much jumping between different
articles, sources, tutorials, websites... whereas it could be a
"sliding path"... if we could concentrate the energy of the
documentation community on a common effort.

I know it seems like I'm willing to start a whole new branch of
documentation, breaking the "common effort" idea but I really think
that's what Cocoon misses to be known and used as it deserves it : We
already have a few good getting started guides (that just need to be
updated a little bit), with the new documentation effort from Reinhard
and Upayavira there will be a complete, accurate and coherent cocoon
reference and with that kind of intermediate level doc there could be
a straight link between both of them.

But I think that the key to get all of this working is to concentrate
our energies...

Sebastien ARBOGAST

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