Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Torsten Curdt wrote:

So we agreed to cut the dependencies and move the logicsheet to the XSP
block and make the rest of Cocoon XSP free! In fact this reverses the
dependencies so one idea was to make the additional blocks mentioned above.

It does ....but TBH:

having a some classes or a logicsheet inside a block is only a weak
dependency while having all xsp related classes and logicsheet inside
the xsp block is a strong compile time dependency.

Sorry to bring this up again ...but it's really annoying and does
not really help anything IMHO. Creating a block just for those few
classes or files feels like bloat to me.

Yeah, sure - but as we regard XSP as legacy and other blocks like session-fw are not legacy,

Isn't session-fw deprecated?

the dependencies like they are now should
cause less pain. It seems wrong to me that a non legacy block depends on
a legacy one; even if only a small part is affected.

Don't get me wrong, but if we move things back now (and I'm really -1 on
this), we will have the same discussion again in lets say three months
and everything is questioned again.

So, again in general you're right :) but in this case with XSP being
legacy it's imho better this way. I personally would not create extra
blocks just for the logicsheets but leave them in the XSP block. But
*if* XSP users *really* can't live with this extra dependency *than* the
solution is to create this extra blocks.

I think Torsten meant to move classes into session-fw because of hard (compilation time) dependency, while *not* adding session-fw -> xsp dependency, which is soft (configuration only).


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