Daniel Fagerstrom wrote:

I propose that we (in trunk) remove the current JXTG and replace it with the refactored JXTG that is part of the Template block. The refactored JXTG is supposed to be back compatible with the original JXTG and also add the ability to use JXTG in the same way in a non flow context. The only change will be that one has to include the Template block to get JXTG it will not be part of core anymore. We change the class name of the refactored JXTG to that of the old one.

There are certainly things left to do in the refactoring but everything is supposed to work as it is right now and having two versions of the same thing complicates support. If we have introduced any bugs and incompabilities during refactoring it is better to find and fix them as fast as possible.

I also suggest that we mark the Template block as being core (rather than supported or contributed) as it together with CForms is core functionality of Cocoon and it has been part of core this far.

Third, we have to decide how we should handle improvements and changes in JXTG. My suggestion is that we keep JXTG more or less as is and that we improve functionality and add new features in a new TemplateGenerator that we refer to as CTemplate. In this way we can remove things we don't like in JXTG without introduce problems for current users. Thanks to the pluggable architecture in Template this will not lead to much code duplications. Ideas about what we want in CTemplate can be found in http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=110942300500004&r=1&w=2.

Please cast your votes:

[X] Let's switch to the refactored JXTG in trunk!
[ ] It can wait.

Haven't tried it yet, but let's move on to something better than the current JXTG. We'll solve back incompatibilities when they appear.

[X] Mark the Template block core.
[ ] I suggest ...

[X] Keep JXTG functionality as is and put template development efforts in CTemplate
[ ] Add new things to JXTG while keeping it back compatible
[ ] Add new things to JXTG and allow back in compatibilities

Trying to keep compatibility is very likely to bring headaches. So let's do something else. One of the strengths of Cocoon is its ability to bring new features while still providing the old ones.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
http://apache.org/~sylvain            http://anyware-tech.com
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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