Ben Pope wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

This is the XHR-powered carselector Ugo added months ago as a first experiment. Try the "regular" carselector, and also "dynamic repeater", "datasource selector" and "task tree" (right column).

I did wonder, as it wasn't what you'd mentioned.

However, Firefox renders carselector fine, and IE is also quite happy.

The carselector uses form submit "onChange", and doesn't need Ajax? I also don't see the need for Ajax in the other samples.

Well, you don't see it as these already were dynamic form samples ;-)

The important difference is that only some parts of the page are updated, rather than the full page. It doesn't make much difference on these simple samples, but will on more complex forms or layouts.

About the "submit-on-change", I have not changed the semantics behind it and it's still required in order for roundtripping to the server to occur. But I really think this attribute is now rather useless and should be implicit as soon as a widget has an attached event listener.


Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies  
Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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