I have found a dependency in the blocks.properties file missing.
Meaning that tour depends on slop.
I have testet it with all block excluded, only 
batic, fop, forms and tour included. 
The build was sucsessfull, but the samples of the tour won't work.
After redoing the build with slop included the tour works fine.
Test environment: Windows XP, java 1.4.2_07 Cocoon 2.1.7

Yesterday I have posted a simple .ppt to the wiki at 
with all the dependencies found in blocks.properties
The colors in this .ppt are straightforward: 
red: deprecated, 
orange: unstable, 
green stable

hth anyone little bit

Martin Geissler
Computer Engineering (Certified Engineer)
IT Development Manager
Internet / Intranet Applications
New Projects

WIKA Alexander Wiegand GmbH & Co. KG
63911 Klingenberg / Germany
Tel +49 9372 132 8924
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