> My question is what's advantages and disadvantages i get integrating 
> Cocoon in my web project Java+Struts? Is worth it the change?


I don't use struts, anyway:

- both are MVC framework, so you can do almost the same task in Struts
and/or cocoon.
- Somebody claims Struts is betters than cocoon as a controller (but I don't
use Struts and I've seen Spring only once). Probably this is the reason
because a lot of people wants to integrate struts and cocoon.
- Cocoon is xml based and implements a controller.
- You can use xml in Struts applications.

...for this the choice could be a kind of philosophy.

Anyway, the reason because I use cocoon are:

- using xml from generators to serializers, you have not to integrate your
presentation layer with scripting (jsp, xsp, ...). Of course you can do that
but I prefer to have data, programming and presentation three distinct
steps. The only exception (really a border line) is XSLT but it's so simple
that designers and programmers can understand it and it's a good language to
interface that two kind of people (designers rarely know java or jsp well
enough to modify a page without crashing half of the application). Probably
a lot of persons use scripting in cocoon, that's right: it's another
- using cocoon you (should) not care about optimization: cocoon do it's best
to cache partial results and so on. I find caching is not so good, anyway.
But it's good enough for the 90% of the web applications you want to create.
- it's very easy to debug an application: using cocoon-views you can easily
check what xml data are processed in any step of a match section.
- if you find a problem is very easy to discover where the bug is, in the
generator or in one of the transformes, simply disabling (comment) single
parts of the generation process.
- For the completely independence of generators and transformes and xml as
interface between them, it's productive to assign the creation of different
part of the application to different people.

Again, you can do all of that with Struts (Spring, servlet, PHP, Basic,
.....) but within cocoon you already have what you need.



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