> I'll stick with the Asynchronous class loader, I will try to make some
> changes to it, so it uses ASM instead of BCEL since the use of
> Annotations would simplify my dev.  If I ever get to that point, I'll
> ask how to submit a patch.

Actually I would like to look into that as well.
I just don't like the current rewriting code.

> Now digging into Continuations, I'm still perplexed, once you call
> suspend(), aside from capturing the stack, nothing happens, the thread
> continues execution.

Yes and no :)

> Shouldn't forminstance/abstractcontinuable be stopping the current thread?

The idea is that once suspend is called you return
from the method immediatly. Same goes for all
consecutive calls on the callstack.

> Otherwise this means that loops & business logic will get invoked. 
> And It's a rather large pain to detect if the continuation is
> suspended in the javaflow code and not execute logic.

You don't have to worry about that :)

As a side effect of contributing to a
to a research paper I've written some
documentation. Will put that online soon.

That should help to get you started and
seeing the full picture.

Thanks for your participation!


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