David Casal wrote:

Hi again,

On 25 May 2005, at 10:39, David Casal wrote:

If you read this far, I owe you a beer. Please get creative with your answers, comic-book style.


Any suggestions as to whether I should post these questions on a new thread, or perhaps in cocoon-users, or just not in the cocoon mailing lists at all, very welcome.

Hope it didn't bother anyone :-)

There is *really* no need to appologize for asking questions . Most questions get some kind of answer and questions that someone finds intersting gets better answers. Your questions are relevant for the list and IMO interesting. It takes some time to answer such a general question, and I hadn't that time yesterday, I'll try to give my view on the topic later.

In general it is better to change subject line if one changes the subject, it increase the chance to reach the right audience and makes it easier to search the archive. In this particular case I guess that "the right audience" follow this thread anyway.


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