On 27 May 2005, at 03:24, Antonio Gallardo wrote:

I believe, I am reading this mail with a time delay. What is clear to me is that I don't received a root password of the cocoon Solaris zone. And I don't know if the zone is already up. If I becomes the root of our zone,
then I will be glad to provide all the necessary support to materialize
this effort.

Great. Maybe I understated my own sysadmin capabilities - if Solaris is a wee bit Unix-like, I'll find my way around and I'll be able to help out. And I've got experience using Wrapper (tanukisoftware.org) to deploy Java apps as services, running under their own user - I use this extensively at cocoondev.org (on Debian Linux).

AFAIU, setup has been aborted prematurely, and infra@ folks are still discussing ways to handle password handover. So no zone and password as of now, but it's somewhere in the pipeline.

As pointed before, I believe we can also setup there some cocoon demo
sites. I know, this is OT here, but I think it will be good to have 3

1- Current released version
2- Daily SVN 2.1.x
3- Daily SVN 2.2.x

Having up demo sites are a powerful marketing tool. And I am sure all of
us know that. ;-)

How to do that? I think we have 3 posibilities:

A. On the same servlet container instalation.


C. Diferent containers using diferent ports for each instalation.


I know my way around mod_proxy and friends to set this up properly. Seems like the box is quite powerful, so running a few Java VMs alongside each other shouldn't be a problem. And Daisy needs 3 of them anyhow (OpenJMS/repo server/Cocoon).

Daisy binaries come with a precompiled Cocoon distribution, so setup is rather easy - we'll just have to juggle around port numbers.

I volunteer to hand-migrate Helma's http://cocoondev.org/handbook/ stuff, and I'll get back to the list to discuss Daisy configuration (mostly metadata, document types, collections, branches and languages, and how we'll configure the draft/publish/comment/ACL to make it easy and manageable). Once we have that stabilized, and work on the refactoring of the Daisy publishing code has started, we can look at skinning - upsofar the contract for skin-implementors is a bit too volatile IMO. So I'd propose to just stick with the default layout, or only tweak the CSS.

People interested in co-administering Daisy (users, creation of variants, ACL rules, sites): please stand up.

Steven Noels                            http://outerthought.org/
Outerthought - Open Source Java & XML            An Orixo Member
Read my weblog at            http://blogs.cocoondev.org/stevenn/
stevenn at outerthought.org                stevenn at apache.org

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