
I'm looking for a way to use Axis in combination with Cocoon. I
already managed to parse SOAP messages with a higher-level approach
using Axis API's [1] but I still need to automate a few things.

I found a SoapServer interface [2] and a SoapServerImpl [3] class in
Cocoon API documentation, and I found out it was configured in
cocoon.xconf, making it available as an Avalon component but I still
can't figure out how to use it, especially as most of the
implementations I found use XSP and are a bit outdated (as [4] for

I'm not quite sure of the use case I want to implement yet because I
need to know what is possible to achieve with that component first. So
I really could use any sample using that component to serve SOAP
requests through Cocoon. I already sent an e-mail to Marcus Crafter,
the author of that class but as could really use as much experience as
possible because I only have a few days to figure out a solution to
that problem.

I sincerely thank you for any help in advance.
Best regards.
Sebastien ARBOGAST
[1] http://wiki.apache.org/cocoon/WebServiceServer
[4] http://webservices.xml.com/pub/a/ws/2003/03/18/cocoon.html

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