Sylvain Wallez wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

So IMO, we should change the way environment inheritance between threads is managed: - if a child thread runs in the scope of its parent, then a special CocoonThread class (extends Thread) should be used, which will copy the needed environment data before launching its Runnable. - normal threads created with "new Thread()" inherit nothing and can therefore work in a clean environment.

This approach requires two changes in the 2.1 code base (haven't checked 2.2 yet):
- DefaultIncludeCacheManager.load() in o.a.c.transformation.helpers
- maybe PortalManagerImpl.loadCoplet() in o.a.c.webapps.portal.components

In these two places, the CocoonThread proposed above have to be used to inherit the parent environment. In all other places where "new Thread()" is called, inheriting the parent environment is not needed and worse, can be harmful.

Looks ok for me; I always thought that we should create our own thread
class, but never had time... ;)

Great! I'm doing it right now as my customer is waiting for the bugfix :-)

Please stop.

RunnableManager does not create threads, it uses thread pool, threads from the pool HAVE NO inherited variables.


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