On Jun 13, 2005, at 8:46 AM, Ralph Goers wrote:

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Same concerns as Ugo. We should IMO document 2.1 and use specially labelled sections and pages for what's different in 2.2. We could also uses Daisy branches, but I don't think it's a good idea to start a multi-branch effort right now.

I agree with this also.

I know how slowly I can work sometimes, so 2.2 is a good target for me. ;-) I think what we want is to have current documentation. When 2.2 is released we want to be ready. We don't want to go back and update documentation that we have just finished, especially if we could have incorporated it as we went along. Likewise I don't see us ignoring 2.1, since no one in there right mind would ever use the latest relaease :-O. We can't document anything that doesn't exist yet, but we do have to work with the latest versions in order to stay current. If developers are working on 2.2, the documentarians need to be as well. Right now I think each of the "documentarians" has a pet project. What I hope is that in the future (or even now) that if commiters need new functionality documented they will feel free to ask us to do it. That is the role we play.

- once the wiki is "processed" (i.e. all documentation is (re) moved), it will only serve as a scratchpad, either for random thoughts/ proposals or for users that want to offer documentation but have no editor rights in the Daisy site. I.e. the content of the wiki should be kept as small as
possible and deprecated information should be removed as soon as

Same concerns as Leszek: writing docs in the wiki would really make non-editors feel like second-class citizen. Additionally to leaving comments, we may allow registered users with no particular rights to edit documents belonging to a "scratchpad" collection, distinct from the main document collection. That will allow us to quickly move around good contributions to the main area and also educate editor wannabees to the CMS features.

Here I have to disagree with you. I don't think that all the content that is on the Wiki should necessarily find its way to the :"formal" documentation. I think the wiki serves that purpose well. It allows users a place to document things that they have learned which may not have a good place in the formal documentation. So, just because users can't directly update the formal documentation I don't think they will feel like second class citizens. I think they'd be quite surprised if they could update the formal documentation. And actually, I think they would be quite pleased and honored if whatever they wrote was moved from the wiki into the formal docmentation by an editor.

I really don't see this as much different than how things are with the code. Users can write patches and submit them to bugzilla or they can post code snippets on the wiki, but they cannot update svn.

One of the things we'd like to get out of this is more user participation. What I'd like to see is the Daisy site replace the wiki for documentation purposes. I'd like guest to be able to browse unfinished and incomplete documentation. I'd like anyone to be able to write documentation and submit it for publication. The wiki still has a place, but I've never seen as appropriate way to document things.

Glen Ezkovich
HardBop Consulting
glen at hard-bop.com

A Proverb for Paranoids:
"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about answers."
- Thomas Pynchon Gravity's Rainbow

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