> Von: "Antonio Gallardo"
> Datum: Mon, 13 Jun 2005 21:05:16 -0500 (CDT)
> On Lun, 13 de Junio de 2005, 13:43, "Jörg Heinicke" dijo:
> > Hello Maksim,
> >
> > isn't "just" converting the stylesheets for HTML to ones for XUL to
> easy?
> > The really interesting part with XUL is to use it as rich client, i.e.
> to
> > avoid rendering the complete page on each request, but only the parts
> that
> > need to be rendered. Independent on the new AJAX hype, that Sylvain has
> > implemented for HTML, XUL provides a similar mechanism itself -
> including
> > a
> > client side templating (chapter 9 of the tutorial starting at
> > http://xulplanet.com/tutorials/xultu/intrordf.html). This would be an
> > implementation that really uses the options XUL provides.
> +1
> > Just my IMO ...
> > I can also offer help on this.
> Great! Can I write you as mentor too? I will be glad if you accept. I know
> you already have XUL experience wich is very welcomed. :-)

Of course, I was only to lazy to do it myself :-)


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