Howdy fellow Cocoonies,

lots of GetTogether news, and a call for advise.

The Cocoon GetTogether will be travelling this year, in a bold and unprecedented move to check the quality of ribs across the globe. Our first stop will be in xxx Amsterdam xxx, during the first week of October. OK, that's hardly a adventurous distance from Ghent, but it'll do for our first edition abroad, won't it?

Adding to this bold move, we're also adding an extra day to the Hackathon, providing us with two long days to hack on our beloved project, and be tempted to go and visit Amsterdam. Or not. Whatever. :-)

Arjé Cahn (from Hippo) and I went location scouting a few weeks ago, and we've found two really cool places to put our Cocoon tents up. Pending logistical arrangements, we'll be geeking out in either (or both, rather) the Felix Meritis ( and the Nemo ( The Felix Meritis is an elegant historical building along the Amsterdam "Grachten" - the canals - and the Nemo is a Science museum (!), located in the water. Both in easy reach of public transportation, and close to the heart of Amsterdam - I'm sure Amsterdam will be a worthy competitor of Ghent location-wise. ;)

I've put up some pictures of the buildings + rooms in the Flickr group pool:

Arjé has volunteered to be our local host this year - of course with plenty of assistance from me, and I hope also from some other volunteers as well. I'm thrilled to see the GetTogether "going places"!

Now, about the vote: we have rooms reserved for the entire first week of October, but need to decide on the first or last part of the week. So please indicate your preference (and reply to the dev list for easier counting):

Yes, I'm thinking of attending the Cocoon GetTogether 2005 in Amsterdam, preferably on

  [ ]  3/4/5 October (Mon->Wed)
  [ ]  5/6/7 October (Wed->Fri)

That's all for now, expect more to hear from Arjé or me in the future!


Steven Noels                  
Outerthought                              Open Source Java & XML
stevenn at                stevenn at

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