Il giorno 01/ago/05, alle 16:38, Sylvain Wallez ha scritto:

Yes, sure. Where I'm lost is about knowing *what* produces this fi:validation-errors element (it's not a widget, isn't it?). I never used it, and a quick search did not revealed how it is produced.

It's not produced. You have to put it yourself in your form template, if you want to display all your validation errors in a single block. At least according to < errors>.

And it works as expected, too, in the ajax="false" case. Now, what you're telling me is that for it to be correctly show up in the ajax="true" case, the resulting HTML element must have an id attribute. Then, since the original template did something like:

<xsl:template match="fi_validation-errors">
  <div id="[EMAIL PROTECTED]">

you need to put something like

<fi:validation-errors id="whatever"/>

in the form template. Is that right?


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