Seeing as I got absolutely no response to this on the users list, I thought I'd try here before I open an enhancement request in Bugzilla ;-)

Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2005 15:36:00 +0100


I'm using Cocoon 2.1.7 to generate a bilingual site (i.e. every page may be displayed in either English or Chinese, according to the users' preference). I want the chosen language to be remembered between page requests, but there may not a session available (we had problems on a previous site when we hit the configured max sessions limit on the server, so we don't want the "brochureware" parts of the site to always create a session since they don't really need one). Therefore, I've got the LocaleAction configured to store-in-cookie as well as store-in-session.

However, I've discovered that as I browse around the site's hierarchy it's creating multiple locale cookies, under every path I visit. This means that if I go to /site/a, then /site/area/b, switch locales (/site/area/b?locale=zh_HK), then request /site/a again, it still displays in English rather than the Chinese I was expecting (as the en_GB cookie with the higher level path still exists). By the time I've browsed all over the site, switching back and forth between the languages, it's anyone's guess which language any particular page will display :-(

Is there any way to specify a particular path for the locale cookie to use, so that I can set it to "/" and have it affect the whole site? For that matter, I may want to change the domain it uses, or set an expiry time so that it's persistent between browser sessions. Is there any way to do this?


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