Hi Sylvain!

Thanks for the improvement of stacktraces! Just today I started to think about this. As usual you are very fast! :-D

I tried to see the new stacktraces. But the 2.1.x branch is not working:

Compiling 55 source files to /home/agallardo/svn/cocoon-2.1/build/cocoon-2.1.8-dev/test /home/agallardo/svn/cocoon-2.1/src/test/org/apache/cocoon/util/location/LocationTestCase.java:35: cannot resolve symbol
symbol  : method parse (java.lang.String)
location: interface org.apache.cocoon.util.location.Location
       Location loc = Location.parse(str);

Do you missed the org.apache.cocoon.util.location.Location update? :-)

Best Regards,

Antonio Gallardo.

Sylvain Wallez wrote:

Hi team!

I added new features to the Cocoon stacktraces:
- a Location now has a description, which is used to store the statement name (e.g. "<map:generate>" or "<jx:set>") - when an error occurs while processing a pipeline, all components of the pipeline and their locations are added to the stacktrace - the nesting of exception has been dramatically reduced: as soon as an exception with a location is catched by Cocoon, it is never wrapped again but new locations are appended to its location stack

I will port this to trunk in the coming days.

We'll then have to make sure that every exception that is raised in a "location-aware" environment uses the location framework in org.apache.cocoon.util.location. I'll write a short doc explaining how to do that.


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