Berin Loritsch wrote:

> It seems that a huge hole in documentation exists on the site.  As I was
> training one of my crew on how to write a reader (adapting a servlet we
> had) I found I couldn't refer to one nice page.  Not even the JavaDocs
> really help all that much.  I didn't even know about the
> ObjectModelHelper class until I used the class introspector to discover
> it.  I really wanted something that spelled out the entries in the
> ObjectModel but could not find it.
> It's not that hard to write the Cocoon components, but there should be
> something that puts it down.  I can't guarantee I can do it soon but
> I'll see what I can do.  Where should I put it in the grand scheme of
> things?

This is not a free source, but there are some good books available

Cocoon: building xml applications (Mathew langham+Carsten ziegler - New

Cocoon developer's handbook (Lajos Moczar+Jeremy Aston - developer's

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