Vadim Gritsenko wrote:

Ralph Goers wrote:

Just so you know, if Cocoon Forms is still marked unstable I'll be voting -1.

Does it mean Cocoon should go without release for a year? Would you still vote -1 if CForms is not marked stable after 2 years? 3?

Yes. Cocoon without a stable and supported forms framework is a hinderence to its adoption and simply gives people an excuse to run off and use JSF or something besides Cocoon. Also, we have lots of folks using the current implementation. We need to be at the point that we guarantee them that we won't be making incompatible changes at every release.

I don't get it. We should do releases *more* often, not less.

True. On the 2.1.x branch this means primarily improvement in quality. On trunk it is primarily improvement in functionality/usability. Now we have many blocks on 2.1.x that are marked unstable and it isn't a problem. But when you look at what we consider the "cocoon core" CForms is ALWAYS included. How can Cocoon be considered stable if one of its core components is unstable?

It can't.



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