Pier Fumagalli wrote:
On 6 Sep 2005, at 10:14, Andreas Hartmann wrote:
Pier Fumagalli wrote:
> It's in Subversion right now... 2.1.x branch, "validation" block.
I tried it, it works nicely - thanks a lot!
Unfortunately we need an isolated valdiation service (not a
which I created using your code - mostly using copy & paste :(
Would you be interested in decoupling the validation functionality
(incl. protocol-based entity resolving) from the transformation
So, a some sort of validation component that can be looked up using the
ServiceManager? Something along the lines of....
public interface Validator() {
public static final String ROLE =
public XMLConsumer getValidator(String schemaURI);
What would be the role of the XMLConsumer?
The interface I used looked basically like this:
public interface Validator {
String ROLE = Validator.class.getName();
void validate(String xmlUri, String schemaUri, ErrorHandler handler);
But a SAX stream or something else as input would also be fine.
-- Andreas