
On 9 Sep 2005, at 00:08, Arje Cahn wrote:

I'd be happy to host the recordings, at least during the GT itself, although maybe afterwards it might be good to switch to an Apache mirrored environment (? not sure if that's possible).

It's not really possible to use the Apache mirrors for AV of the GetTogether - we asked infra last year and the response was pretty much "you really ought to find your own host for that sort of stuff". We're happy to provide a long-term host for it.


Andrew Savory, Managing Director, Luminas Limited
Tel: +44 (0)870 741 6658  Fax: +44 (0)700 598 1135
Web: http://www.luminas.co.uk/
Orixo alliance: http://www.orixo.com/

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