Do you mean something like mod_rewrite for Apache (


Carsten Ziegeler wrote:
Ralph Goers wrote:
Carsten Ziegeler wrote:

Ok, the more I think about it, I could imagine using a url pre and post
precessor. When a url (link) is created the usual way, a post processor
can change the url and for example create url path elements instead of
request parameters.
For an incomming event, the url pre processor does the other way round.

Can you give me a bit more detail on this? I'm not sure I have the picture. But it sounds like it is sort of like a transformer on the incoming and outgoing requests. That might be kind of cool. I can envision folks using that for other things, but I'm not sure.

Yepp, exactly - it works like a transformer, it gets the original url,
portal?cocoon-portal-event=37 and creates a nice url (depending on
personal preferences for "nice") like "content.html" (or whatever).
The transformation should work without storing something into the user
session, so the nice urls can be used to link to the portal from
external applications/email whatever.

Then the incomming url is transformed back - we can manage this without
any redirects happening (I think).


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