
This is great! I was wondering if I can help out with any more ajaxization 
during the Hackathon. Is there still work to do? If yes, where and what? I 
would also like to try to ajaxize the portals a bit, for snappiness (like 
http://www.netvibes.com/, or http://www.google.com/ig). What do you guys think? 
Is it possible?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sylvain Wallez [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Wednesday, September 28, 2005 12:33
> To: dev@cocoon.apache.org
> Subject: New Ajax block, CForms autocompletion suggestion-lists
> Hi all,
> I just added a new Ajax block, which uses the Prototype [1] and 
> Scriptaculous [2] JS libraries. This block is meant to hold 
> Ajax-releated resources and classes that can be used by other 
> components 
> and blocks. One of them is of course CForms.
> A basic sample shows a field-based filechooser, where dynamic 
> suggestion 
> lists allow to autocomplete the input.
> I also added a very preliminary implementation of 
> suggestion-lists for 
> CForms. You can now write:
> <fd:field ...>
>   <fd:suggestion-list>
>     <fd:item value="aa"/>
>     <fd:item value="ab"/>
>     ...
>  </fd:suggestion-list>
> </fd:field>
> Suggestion lists use the exact same code as selection-list, 
> and you can 
> therefore use any of the available selection lists implementations. 
> Automatic styling for suggestion-list is not yet done, but a simple 
> sample shows how to autocomplete a field. This uses of course the 
> scriptaculous library provided by the Ajax block.
> All this will be demonstrated next week at the GT :-)
> Sylvain
> [1] prototype.conio.net/
> [2] http://script.aculo.us/
> -- 
> Sylvain Wallez                        Anyware Technologies
> http://people.apache.org/~sylvain     http://www.anyware-tech.com
> Apache Software Foundation Member     Research & Technology Director

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