Berin Loritsch wrote:
> The Ruby on Rails solution is to use an environment variable that 
> defaulted to "Development".  In production the environment variable 
> would be set on the server to "Production".  For the unit tests, the 
> generators automatically run in "Test" mode.  Now, I know that Java 5 
> has the re-introduction of environment variables, and we still need Java 
> 1.4 support--so some sort of equivalent would be decent.
I just implemented a first version for this. You can specify the
"org.apache.cocoon.mode" system property on startup, and then Cocoon
reads all property files from a directory with this name inside the
WEB-INF/properties directory.

The default value is currently "dev", so all files in
"WEB-INF/properties/dev" are read on startup.


Carsten Ziegeler - Open Source Group, S&N AG

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