Actually I had this idea a while ago. The Cocoon bible. Written by
the people who wrote it. Having a couple more authors to split the
huge task.

Uhm. Isn't this what the documentation should be all about?

That's what it should be ...and I think we are making good progress.

Sylvain showed me the Cocoon docu in a single pdf. That's great.
Maybe we just need to revise it a bit from the print perspective and
get people to really commit on writing a chapter on certain topics.

I just assume having a few people getting there names onto a cover
will help with the commitment ;)

Instead of doing the FOO-jerk, just make sure our documentation is republish-able in a paper format at all times? ORA even has a series for that: author/ch01.html#series and look for "community press".

Awesome ...that would be the perfect fit!

Of course, that's easier said than done. But I stopped dreaming of finding time to write something when I stopped caring for my name on a cover.



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