Torsten Curdt wrote:

What has stopped us is that we need to keep a track of these to give credit. And also show to the world the incredibly large developer group we are :-)

But if you give credit without a connection to parts of the code it's just a list of the committers (more or less)

If you *have* a connection people will look people up in there...

So either remove them or don't. But giving credit besides the community credits does not make much sense to me.



1. It is my recollection that Apache Legal recommended removing the author tags. 2. With maven every block can have the list of committers who participate in the block in its pom.xml. In addition, assuming it is still supported in maven 2, each block can have a changes.xml (which is equivalent to status.xml).
This should be enough to give the appropriate credit, IMO.


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