Ralph Goers wrote:
hepabolu wrote:
If the ideas of keeping track of changes in a changes.xml per block
are going to be implemented, there should be a proper configuration of
the site generating aspects, i.e.
m2 site:site should result in a smallish site that includes basic info
with a link to the Daisy books (included in the release) and formatted
pages for all changes.xml of all blocks.
Bye, Helma
I think our site will end up bearing a resemblance to maven's. They
have the core documentation and in that is the plug-in section where
each plugin is documented separately.
Yes, but I want to keep the "mavenized" part as small as possible,
otherwise we're going back to hacking xdocs. So in my view it's just the
relative static info like "about", "svn address", "mailing lists" and
"changes" and maybe "developer team".
The "about" part can refer to a link to the Daisy books.
All this (except for "changes") is generated from top level pom.xml.
Bye, Helma